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Friday February 14, 2025 @ 7:13:55 AM EST     
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Memorize Skin

You can have the site memorize your favorite skin. By clicking the "memorize skin" link below, the site will store a cookie on your computer with the current applied skin. Now, whenever you first visit my page, you will see your favorite skin automatically applied.

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Clean Splash Skins

With the updates blog being neglected, it seemed appropriate to have the front page become even more of a splash page and be less text-heavy. The new templates remove much of the front page content and replace it with a blurb and links to the most commonly-updated sections.

(8) Pittsburgh Skyline
The nighttime downtown Pittsburgh skyline.
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(9) Mount Rainier
A shot from Mount Rainier National Park in Washington.
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Portal Splash Skins
(6) My Boring Life
The little stylized leaf is probably my most widely-used photoshop, gracing everything from card backs to my desktop. Now it can grace my homepage too. This skin was designed to aggregate my journal and photos content onto the main site so you can easily see my latest updates without having to go to many different sites.
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(7) AlanvDotOrg
I wanted something simple and clean for my front page, so I figured I should go with an all-CSS skin. This skin, with shades of dark red and utilizing Google's awesome web font library, is very basic and highlights the portal aspect of the homepage while still providing links to the standard sections at the bottom, where they are out of the way.
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Legacy Skins
(0) Excuse My Cluttered Mind
This is probably the most unique AlanvDotOrg skin, created from Amanda's recommendation of a skin based on friends and photos. The layout is a bulletin board with photos and notes. There are links to my journal and photos page as well... if you can find them.
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(1) sNow!
This is a skin based based off of various friends from Freshman year of college. The header is an animated flash movie, with a hidden easter egg (can you find it?). It celebrates the snow, given that I hadn't seen any in many years, and also the present (at the time) of new friendships and accomplishments.
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(2) Friends are like stars...
This is a friend based on my friends back in Arizona. It randomizes the person on each page, as well as the header color and the watermarked image. It was created as a reminder to myself that, no matter how far apart in life we may grow, my true friends are always there, and will never fall out of touch.
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(3) This is the college life...
This skin features various friends from CMU. It seems to be quite popular, and is surprisingly clean for all the stuff it contains. It includes photos of CMU friends, the date and time, and links to various sections. When I was still in classes, the skin also reported where I was in my day and what classes were coming up.
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(4) Freeze n' Shatter
After finishing the Saint Seiya card game, I was in the mood for something more... Saint Seiya-y for my site. This skin is based around Hyoga and one of the moves he uses to retrieve a piece of the golden cloth from Ikki's minions. It's a very basic skin that includes links to various sections.
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(5) Flyboy
This skin was created for my favorite character on Voyager (which is also my favorite Star Trek show), Tom Paris. It's a fairly simple skin that randomly shows his portraits from various seasons along with a series of screenshots of various moments.
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Page layout, content and all images are © Alan V 2004. Class script idea from Matt's Stuff, but actual code © Alan V and AlanVDotOrg 2004.